Getting a spot
How do I apply for housing?
Read about what you need to know.
How difficult is it to get housing?
Housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. 一旦宿舍住满,希望住在校园里的学生就会被列入等待名单. 在候补名单上的州外学生将优先考虑. 在房子填满之前完成申请过程是很重要的.
而等待名单上的学生将被调用,如果空间是可用的, 我们建议他们开始在底特律中城的网上搜索校外住房.com. 这个资源提供了底特律周边地区的房源.
How are suite assignments made?
我们的新住房系统会考虑您的建筑偏好以及您的生活习惯问题,并将您与与您匹配的学生配对. 该系统旨在让尽可能多的学生感到舒适.
Despite the efforts made to match compatible residents, 一旦学生们住在一起,就不可能判断他们将如何互动. 如果室友发生冲突,学生事务处的工作人员接受过调解冲突的培训. If the conflicts are too great to overcome, 然后,可以根据宿舍生活办公室的决定迁居, providing there is an open space in student housing.
Making Payments
After I pay my $300 first payment, when is the balance due?
Fall Semester: August 1
Winter Semester: December 1
Monthly payment plans can be set up through ACI. 有关报名或其他信息,请致电1-800-343-0911或访问 Official Payment Plan site.
How long is my lease?
你的租期从九月开学到五月搬家. If, for some reason, you need to break your lease, 在决定你的住房情况之前,你应该立即联系学生事务处,了解任何可能的经济损失. If you are hoping to break your lease, 你需要向居住生活主任提出上诉,他将把上诉提交给上诉委员会. Only extreme circumstances will be considered.
Meal Plans
Are meal plans required?
住在陶布曼中心的学生需要一份膳食计划. 对ACB没有要求,但学生可以报名参加膳食计划.
Can I change my meal plan?
在两个学期的100%退款日之前,你可以改变你的饮食计划. 学生一旦签署了膳食计划,就不能取消.
Where can I find out more information about dining services?
You can go to for more information about the dining services at CCS.
Are cable television and Internet services provided?
CCS为所有学生宿舍的居民免费提供互联网服务. ACB和TC大楼的互联网都是有线和无线的. In order for a computer to be connected to the CCS server, 系统必须配备在大多数计算机商店都能买到的以太网卡. ACB和TC大楼没有提供有线电视的基础设施.
Can first-year students/residents have a car on campus?
All CCS students are permitted to have a car on campus. CCS停车场提供免费停车位(有许可证). 住在学生公寓的学生可以24小时在停车场停车. 不住在学生公寓的学生也可以免费停车,但只能在建筑时间内停车. 非居民学生在停车场过夜停车将被罚款.
When is Move-In?
Fall 2022
New International Students: August 27
New U.S. Students: August 28
Returning Students: September 2
Winter 2023
New Students: January 4
Returning Students: January 8
When do I have to move out in May?
你要求在你最后一次向CCS承诺的24小时后离开. 对于大多数学生来说,这是你的作品集审查或毕业日. 我们可以灵活地与这个日期,直到第二天中午SEO.
Do you have summer storage?
Yes, we have limited summer storage. Applications come out for summer storage after spring break. 夏季存放的优先权将根据与校园的距离而定. 有关时间/日期/价格的信息将于4月初通过电子邮件发送.
Do I have to leave for winter break?
Yes, you need to leave during winter break. 所有学生必须在周日下午5点复习后搬出宿舍.m. 学生可以在周日上午9点开始上课之前返回宿舍.m. 你可以把你的物品在你的房间休息,但建议你把你的贵重物品带回家. You will not have access to your housing space over break. 有特殊情况需要入住学生公寓的学生,请在放假前与宿舍办公室联系. There is a daily charge for housing over winter break. 如果学生没有提前获得批准,费用将翻倍.
All other breaks are open to students.
Additional Questions
For more information contact the Office of Student Affairs — 313.664.7879